Treatment of personal data


Alluser Industrie S.r.l. Privacy statement.
It is very important to us at Alluser Industrie S.r.l. to guarantee the privacy of our clients and for this reason we are committed to developing technologies which are able to offer state-of-the-art web experiences but also maximum security. Most of our website can be used without giving any personal information. However, sometimes we need further information to provide requested services. In this Declaration on privacy we describe the mechanisms for collecting and processing data in these cases. Please read carefully the declaration. When visiting Alluser Industrie S.r.l. website, you are agreeing to the collection and processing of your data as described in this document.

Collecting personal data 
We will ask for personal information only in case they are necessary to identify or contact you. This generally occurs in case it is necessary to register to use a service, such as participating in a contest, subscribing to newsletters, visiting a limited-access websites, or for purchasing Alluser Industrie S.r.l. products. In most cases, the information collected in the Alluser Industrie S.r.l. website is limited to the e-mail address, language and city or country of the user. However, sometimes we need further information to provide some services.

In case of purchase and installation of a new product, an electronic registration could be necessary. In this case the registration data are stored together with other possible information provided by the user during previous visits to our Alluser Industrie S.r.l. website. All this information put together will make up the user’s personal profile.

Use of personal data 
Personal information is mainly used for four purposes:
a. To simplify the use of the website for the users that will not have to enter the same information more than once;
b. to allow users to easily find software products, services and information in the Alluser Industrie S.r.l. website;
c. to allow Alluser Industrie S.r.l. to create a website which is able to offer information that are truly interesting and useful for the users;
d. to inform the users of the available updates regarding products, special offers, last minute information and new services provided by Alluser Industrie S.r.l.
All personal information collected by Alluser Industrie S.r.l. can be shared internally to Alluser Industrie S.r.l., even with controlled branches and affiliates. Moreover, in some cases Alluser Industrie S.r.l. can make use of other companies to provide limited services, such as packaging and sending products, answering to the clients’ questions about products and services, sending ordinary mail and processing subscriptions to events. Alluser Industrie S.r.l. will provide these companies only with the necessary data to guarantee the service. The use by these companies of these data for other purposes is prohibited.

Alluser Industrie S.r.l. will disclose users’ personal information without notice only when required in compliance with the law or when it is considered necessary for: (a) fulfilling legal obligations or complying with relevant provisions of law Alluser Industrie S.r.l. or the website; (b) protecting the rights and property of Alluser Industrie S.r.l. and its websites, and (c) intervening in emergency situations for the protection the personal safety of the users of Alluser Industrie S.r.l. and its websites or of the public in general.

Control of personal information 
All personal information provided by the user during the registration process or in any other situation, will not be disclosed by Alluser Industrie S.r.l. to third parties without user’s consent, except in the cases described in the paragraph above. Personal information will be used only for the purposes mentioned above.

Alluser Industrie S.r.l. can periodically send emails about technical problems concerning products or services used by the user. It is not possible to request not to receive these communications, since they are considered as an essential part of the service provided.

Accessing personal information
Alluser Industrie S.r.l. provides the users with all the necessary tools to verify that all personal information is correct and updated. You can modify and update this information at any time in the portal. The user can:
a. Read and modify the information previously provided to Alluser Industrie S.r.l.
b. Communicate to Alluser Industrie S.r.l. whether he/she wants to receive marketing information.
c. Agree to receive offers by other manufacturers by post.
d. Subscribe or unsubscribe to the newsletter regarding Alluser Industrie S.r.l. products and services

Protection of personal information
The Alluser Industrie S.r.l. website unconditionally protects the privacy of all personal information provided and guarantees that they will be used according to the conditions you agreed to. Alluser Industrie S.r.l. protects all personal data preventing any loss, improper use, unauthorized disclosure or destruction.

Personal information will never be provided to third parties without user’s consent, except for the limited cases described above. At Alluser Industrie S.r.l. all data are stored in password-protected and limited-access servers. Each user can play an important role in the protection of personal information. Nobody can read or modify your personal information without knowing your account Passport and password; therefore, we strongly recommend not disclosing them to anyone.

Use of cookies
In order to be able to publish information that is truly useful for its clients, Alluser Industrie S.r.l. collects aggregate statistical data regarding visits to the website via the use of cookies. Specific information on the clients’ use of the website is not collected.

When a user visits the website for the first time, a cookie will be copied onto his/her computer (if the computer is configured to accept cookies), that will be read during the successive visits.

The web technology based on beaconing, also known as “clear gif” is used for sending the cookies. This technology allows knowing how many visitors have clicked on key elements (e.g. links or pictures) in a Alluser Industrie S.r.l. web page. This technology however, does not allow accessing personal information on the Alluser Industrie S.r.l. website. In fact, it is a technology for the collection of aggregate statistical data regarding the use of the Alluser Industrie S.r.l. website. Alluser Industrie S.r.l. does not disclose collected information to third parties and forbids inserting clear gifs in Alluser Industrie S.r.l. websites.

If you configure the system so to refuse cookies, you can still visualise the texts in the web page, but it will not be possible to customise your visits or subscribe to services provided in the website.

Modifications to the Declaration on privacy
Alluser Industrie S.r.l. can occasionally update this Declaration on privacy. In this case, the date indicated at the beginning of the declaration, at the option “Last update”, will be modified. In case of substantial modification to the content of the declaration, Alluser Industrie S.r.l. will inform its clients by publishing notices on the matter on the website.

To contact us
Alluser Industrie S.r.l. is glad to receive comments and suggestions on this Declaration on privacy. Please contact us via e-mail or by post.

Alluser Industrie S.r.l.
Via dell’Industria, 18
35020 Due Carrare Padova Italy